Twisted Anchor Tattoo and Fine Art Gallery is an appointment-preferred and custom studio located in the heart of Downtown Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Our shop emulates the culture of our artsy city and is filled with artists whom feed off of one another’s creativity and energy. The award-winning artists range in style and personal influences, providing a variety of styles and a fit for nearly everyone. Twisted Anchor is a hotbed where inspiration, artistry and innovation are thriving. We are owned and operated by local artist, Matt Stebly.

After apprenticing and tattooing for nearly five years, in August of 2011, Matt decided to open his own shop with the intentions of the shop focusing on multiple forms of art instead of just tattooing. Our artists’ are encouraged to explore their art outside of tattooing. Watching our artists’ progress and work ethic is truly something to be acknowledged. We are far from your “typical tattoo shop,” and we like it that way. Twisted Anchor is dedicated to delivering a fun and exciting-while still professional-experience for all walks of life and all of our clientele. All of this is possible because of our likeminded team pushing in the same direction. Our dedication to self-improvement is matched by few and shows in our artwork, professionalism and Southern hospitality.

Twisted Anchor Tattoo Gallery has every intention of leaving a large, positive mark on the art of tattooing and on the Earth, itself. We are creating a responsible self-perpetuating culture of hard-working talented tattooers, artists and support staff. By turning our energy into securing THE studio, our clients will recommend Twisted Anchor for decades-maybe even centuries-to come. We truly have the opportunity to leave a lasting positive impact and plan to make this a reality.

1101 Government Street
Ocean Springs, MS 39564
(228) 215-1611